IAQ | Airvance

The Indoor Air Quality

Airvance: Your partner for ensuring healthy and comfortable air in all your buildings.

The importance of indoor air quality control

The importance of indoor air quality is becoming increasingly significant in buildings. People spend on average more than 80% of their time indoors, whether it’s in their homes or workplaces. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure healthy air to preserve the health of occupants.


Indoor air can contain pollutants such as fine particles, toxic gases, molds, bacteria, and viruses. These pollutants can cause allergies, respiratory illnesses, headaches, fatigue, and even more serious health impacts. Therefore, it is important to filter the air to eliminate these pollutants and preserve the health of occupants.


In addition to ensuring healthy air, air treatment systems also offer thermal comfort. Indeed, indoor air quality is linked to temperature, humidity, and ventilation. An excessively high or low temperature can cause discomfort and reduce occupants’ productivity. Excessive humidity can promote the growth of molds and bacteria, while inadequate ventilation can cause poor air quality.


Air treatment systems allow for regulating temperature and humidity while ensuring sufficient ventilation to maintain a healthy and comfortable indoor air quality. Occupants can thus benefit from a pleasant and productive living or working environment.


In conclusion, ensuring healthy air and thermal comfort is essential for preserving the health and well-being of building occupants. Therefore, air treatment systems are essential to address these challenges and offer technical solutions adapted to each building and situation.


The Airvance Group masters all the techniques to ensure healthy air in all types of buildings.

Your partner for ensuring healthy and comfortable air in all your buildings.

Airvance Group

383 rue des Barronnières – 01700 – Beynost

À propos du Groupe Airvance

Le Groupe Airvance est un concepteur et distributeur de système de traitement d’air pour le bâtiment. Le Groupe Airvance, créé en février 2020, est issu du rapprochement de deux groupes : Le groupe France Air et la division HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning) du Groupe SIG plc. En tant que concepteur, fabricant et distributeur, le Groupe Airvance apporte sa contribution à la construction d’un environnement sain et sécurisé où le confort et la qualité d’air sont solidement ancrés.

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